RPC中文团契欢迎所有未信主的及已信主的兄弟姐妹们来一起聚会。我们活动的宗旨,乃在将主耶稣基督的爱,真正的在你家,我家,大家的家中散发出来,享受在主里的平安和喜乐。欢迎您及您家里组员来参加,让我们一起在主的爱中成长。我们有两个查经小组,他们的聚会时间是每周三晚上7点在教堂里。如有问题请联系 Golden 牧师。 

New to Canada? No Problem! Don't know about God? Totally fine! Difficulties in life? We're all in this together! Our Mandarin ministry's exists for you to experience God's love together, as we share the peace and joy that comes from growing together in the Lord. We currently have two life groups that meet every Wednesday at 7 pm at the church. For more information please contact Pastor Golden.

Sunday Services will be at 10:00am

10:00am service mandarin translation is now available. Bring your own headphones/ earphones.